Bowling Green State University Campus Environment and Site Infrastructure Plan

Bowling Green State University Campus Environment and Site Infrastructure Plan Bowling Green, Ohio

Services Provided

Campus Planning
Landscape Architecture

People Involved

Brian Kinzelman
Sarah Richardson

Comprehensive campus landscape plan manages the growth and preservation of open space and natural resources

This Campus Environment and Site Infrastructure Plan develops a design language and concepts to enhance BGSU’s exterior campus environment and improve the quality of student life. The plan translates the general strategic recommendations of the Master Site and Facility Plan into detailed recommendations for the evolution of the physical campus to achieve an interactive, energized campus environment.

A series of disconnected, indistinct spaces are transformed into a hierarchy of memorable campus places. The new landscape systems break down spaces into human-scale places and linkages that focus on human comfort and activity. The existing ‘wall’ of buildings along the perimeter of the campus is punctured with new open space ‘windows’ that showcase the life and vitality of the campus. Significant tree plantings provide shade and wind breaks while uniting the diverse architectural style and scale of buildings.

Key strategies for the plan include:

Strategic placement of parking and service access to allow penetration into the campus without disrupting campus pedestrian zones.

Diverse outdoor spaces appropriate for various activities from individual study to small groups to large events such as graduation supplement the existing quadrangles of the campus.

Campus streetscape treatments and new signature spaces to establish campus landmarks to facilitate wayfinding for visitors and provide memorable iconic campus places.

Detailed recommendations for landscape, hardscape, and civic structures, campus gateways, signage and wayfinding, lighting, stormwater and sustainable design.

BGSU Illustrative Plan.jpg

MKSK completed several site-specific Priority Landscape projects recommended by the Campus Environment and Site Infrastructure Plan. The Priority Landscapes are the special places that are critical to the future of BGSU. These transformative campus improvements will create a vibrant, memorable setting to showcase the life of the University.

The goal of the Priority Landscapes Concept Designs is to blend the recommendations of the Campus Environment and Site Infrastructure Plan for these areas into the existing campus fabric and incorporate individual project programmatic goals in a manner that respects individual project budgets and creates finished areas of the campus.
